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Hey, I'm Jazz, and This is J4rming!

Allow me to pull back the curtain and share the story behind J4rming. This quirky name has been my online alter ego for over 15 years. You pronounce it like "Jar-Ming," where the "4" is the "A" and it all rhymes with "charming." I guess you could say I'm pretty attached to it.


I'm a thirty-something-year-old, positivity and self love advocate. I am a hidden illness and anxiety battler who Thrives on DIY, Gaming and general creative explores. I have furball besties Buddy the dog, and Tallulah the Cat.
( #buddyoftheday #buddythejackshitzu #buddythedog #tallulahthetickedtabby #tallulahtales #tallulahthecat)

I landscaped on and off int he family business for a good 15 years of my life so far, Can you believe it? It's not often what people expect to hear and I still dabble very very occasionally. At around 21 years old, I was told that my body wouldn't hold up doing such a physically demanding job and if I continued, I risked future debilitating problems. So... I made a switch to bartending and retail jobs. Instead of the heavy landscaping labour, laying patios, mixing concrete and putting up fencing and other timber structures... I stood up for 12+ hours a day with no breaks instead... Not much better.

Along the way, I learned a lot from some incredible managers and had some run ins with too many not-so-great ones. The employed bottom level job world is frustrating and though I spent my time in both very bottom level, and first level supervisor roles that I never really wanted, I learnt a lot about business and myself and I still miss the great managers and bosses who taught me many things.

My personal life, well its flipped 180 so many times. I only recently felt like I was really living. After spending most of my adult life in a suppressive relationship that left me with some hefty scars I'm still healing to this day. I've been navigating the labyrinth of mental health battles which have been a significant part of my life's journey so far.

Anxiety, a constant companion, once had me unable to speak to strangers, leave the house, make a phone call, go to the doctors or even venture to a shop on my own. Forget ordering a takeaway or doing "normal" things. Public transport was a no go, I took years to finally get behind a wheel and drive and though I pushed through all of these things anxiety still raises its head. Panic attacks are unwelcome visitors, though lesser now, I've been taking tiny active steps outside my comfort zone over a long period of time and each step has been another piece of evidence in my capabilities. The battle with anxiety has made me stronger, proving that even when we face hidden illnesses, both physical and mental, we can overcome them.

In the last couple of years I've felt a bit stationary with my mental health. So I've been on a new more in depth journey to understand myself better, I'm 80% certain I have a neuro-spicy brain, I have always called my brain Brian. He's probably an ADHDer amongst other things. But the diagnosis wait here in the UK is so long I cant see it being worth it. That opinion might change in the future as I've heard some great life changes people have gained through a real diagnosis.

I'm a true believer that mental health is a path we each navigate differently, and I love to share my experiences just incase it helps even one of you lovely humans out there. If sharing my journey helps you to know they're you're not alone and that there is hope and strength on this journey to mental well-being, then I've gone done a win!

I'm now a self employed human with my own cleaning business that I've been working on since the pandemic and now added this little online store to my belt. I've dabbled in many things over the years and always felt like a failure just wafting about. Despite its challenges, this self employed journey so far has given me so much confidence and reason to believe in myself and my ability to run my own show and trust me I didn't start that way! Being your own boss isn't easy, Existing in general isn't easy, I've sat on the floor in the shower and had a breakdown and cried my eyes out many times, but business and life has its incredible moments all the same.

I wouldn't wish away half of the things that have happened in this life so far, they've definitely taught me a whole heap of life lessons. I wouldn't be me or probably doing half of the things I do today if I hadn't been stuck and squashed into the box in that first chapter.

So if you're in a dark place right now and this gives you that little spark of hope please do take it with you. 


So.... why eco? This eco-living lifestyle journey started in circa 2017 and has constantly been an active learning cycle since then. Let's start this out by saying I am by no means perfect "Pinterest" eco living. I'm not sure if anyone is. But this is EXACTLY what part of being eco I want to share.

Living eco friendly can be expensive and is not accessible to everyone. Quite frankly if you are struggling to put food on the table the last thing I want you to be worrying about is what comes in less packaging. BUT taking steps to clear you home of horrible toxins and creating a conscious consuming home? It's in your best interest to absolutely do what you can. 

Living an eco-friendly life started in my own space. I still live with my parents so I do have some restrictions on a whole household of products but I filter them in where I can. In short I banished toxins and embraced sustainable living wherever and whenever I possibly can. I'm a sucker for second-hand shopping and DIY projects. My furniture? It's 99% reclaimed or pre loved. My wardrobe? A treasure trove of second-hand gems and umpteen year old socks & knickers (HA! I know you have them too...)


I'm a devoted second-hand shopper and an avid upcycler, and my love for DIY projects is boundless. I minimise plastic use, try to chose clean ingredients, remove harsh chemicals and hidden toxins from my space and chose sustainable products or affordable options whilst still maintaining life and physical & mental health in the changing modern world. My self employed business is also a reflection of these same values – It uses only eco-friendly, vegan, and natural products and minimises plastic use.)

But that's not all... The newest edition this little online eco store, SHOP J4RMING.
With room to grow I hope SHOP J4rming becomes a place where you find yourself browsing for your next favourite things or your loved ones gifts. Consciously consuming and helping to support a genuine small business and people making a little extra for their families with their crafts. 


The vision for J4RMING is a place you can source my personal favourites. I keep a dedicated page of my recommendations HERE for those who frequently ask and SHOP J4RMING is handpicked products embracing conscious consumption and sustainable living. While I really dislike the consumerist mindset of constantly seeking out the latest trends and accumulating possessions for the sake of it, I do want to advocate for mindful purchasing practices that fit around our modern way of living.

SHOP J4RMING is filled with goodies focused around natural materials and sustainable alternatives. Crystals & Crystal Jewellery, High quality gifts, everyday essentials, home goods & more. and the future vision is for it to contain limited availability handmade and bespoke crafts from local creators. This is such a huge vision I cherish, yet the time to dedicate to this remains a precious commodity amongst other life things.

So, at this point I'm just a random human on the internet telling her story. So I'll keep it a tad shorter from here.... I love sharing. I love to share my experiences, my motivations, and just about anything that makes life interesting. I love sharing whats worked and hasn't worked for me, I love chatting online to lovely humans, I love feeling connected and I love how I can help toss that rope to drag people out of thier shells. I love how my journey, can be hope for other peoples journey. I just never had that as a young adult and now as I dive into this third decade of life, I want to help more people. Whether thats through a thought-provoking post or sharing my personal favourites, from books to products to supplies and knoweldge. I love connecting with other great souls.

It makes my soul happy! 


Anywhoosies... less about me and more about these bloody gorgeous little fur balls, yes. I am absolutely bias. 

The overgrown bulldozer.

Buddy is a Jack Russell Terrier crossed with a Shih Tzu. While he may not be the miniature size we initially expected (he outgrew his parents by about 6KG!), Buddy's larger-than-anticipated stature is a testament to his boundless energy and enthusiasm for life.

In his earlier years if you mention the word "BALL" in his presence you wouldn't have an arm left due to the persistent asks to throw we used to have to call it a "spherical object," or you'd be engaged in a game of fetch for a long time! His love for play knows no bounds, but he is getting slower in his old age, he's now 12 years old, loves a good nap and lay in, but it's still a joy to witness his sheer excitement when it's playtime

Buddy's journey began in 2012, and he's been a well loved member of our family since he was about 4. We adopted him from my aunt who found his energy a tad too boundless for her home. I have fond memories of telling her I was going to steal him one day and snuggling him up in my cardigan as a tiny puppy to watch the Olympic torch pass by during the 2012 London Olympics. From that moment, Buddy's heartwarming cuddles have been a constant source of happiness. .

My beloved four-legged fur ball, Buddy-sauraus, puppy, Budmeister, poopy, boopy, bud-bud, he's truly a one of a kind charmer. He has captured the hearts of many on the internet, more in the real world, which has earned many affectionate titles.

You can find him on our socials or under the hashtags #buddyoftheday #buddythejackshitzu & #buddythedog ....  


The Unexpected Addition

Tallulah, my feline furball. While I'd always spoken aloud about wanting a cat and always envisioned a feline companion for Buddy, my parents were less than enthusiastic about the idea. As fate would have it, Tallulah found her way into our lives anyway.

Tallulah's journey began when I briefly moved out of my parents' house to live with a housemate. Though that living arrangement didn't work out as planned and we were back home 3 months later. Fate intervened, just one week before I was set to move into my new place...

A family friend reached out to my aunt, explaining that she had found an abandoned kitten on her doorstep—she was known as the go-to rescue for many a furball in need and so the tiny kitten had been left with her.
 My aunt wasted no time and called me at work, I then called my soon to be housemate and checked if we could take her (we'd spoken about having a cat each previously just hadn't anticipated it so soon) she said yes and within hours, Aunt and I embarked on a four-hour round trip to meet tiny Tallulah.


The veterinarians couldn't agree on her exact age, but their estimates ranged from 5 to 7 weeks. She still had her suckling instincts and drank milk the first few weeks. I knew it was the universe stepping in when she fell asleep on my lap as soon as we met—it felt like an instant connection, as if our paths were destined to cross.

Tallulah has since become an integral part of our family. She's not only funny and incredibly affectionate but also highly intelligent. She's known for her demand for shoulder cuddles and her purrs that can be heard from across the room when she's content. She LOVES it when you set up an umbrella and cushion in the garden so she can continue to observe the world even when it's pouring with rain.

Her relationship with Buddy, is a delightful blend of sibling dynamics. They share a 50/50 relationship when it comes to instigating playful / argument moments. They both as bad as each other. Amidst these antics though, there are moments of pure bliss when they snuggle together on my bed or in their shared pet beds. It's just so CUTE!

I'm so thankful my parents had a change of heart and allowed Tallulah to join us when I moved back home to the loft room. It's a testament to the power of the love tallulah can give. Now, my mother adores Tallulah, and my father has formed his unique understanding with her, just as he has with Buddy, even though they both never initially wanted a dog or a cat.

Tallulah's presence has enriched our lives, reminding us of the beauty of unexpected blessings and the immeasurable joy that fur balls bring into our homes.


Both of my fur balls I love equally. If you were to ask if I am a cat or a dog person?

I'm both. Both species bring amazing things to the table of love and companionship and I wouldn't want life without either of them. 

So thats it all!  I'm sure I'll see you around.
Love ya,

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